Seamlessly integrating a lo-code

to pro-code open source BPM

paradigm for Domino

Process Automation

Workflow Roulette
A Strategic Vision


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IBM Domino:
The report of my death was an exaggeration


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Lotus Notes:
Of bastards, dwarfs and kings


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Notes Development:
Never has so little been done by so many with so much


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If you build it, they will come


The Need

Current BPM development tools and practices are severely limited by the lack of a coherent methodology implemented on a robust platform. As such, companies are unable to cope with the challenges of developing, reusing and maintaining software solutions in an ever evolving “run anywhere” environment over the long term. Adding to the challenge is the need to bring that framework within the reach of “citizen developers” while providing the ability to implement highly complex business requirements by IT professionals.

The Solution

Enter Workflow Ascendant. Document driven design powers this low-code development framework, providing for the expression of highly adaptable routing rules (by power business users) and the inclusion of complex functionality through code abstraction (by IT professionals). This framework runs on the Domino platform, the one infrastructure furnishing the unmatched security, scalability and interconnectivity required to meet today’s enterprise business challenges. Work online. Work offline. Work mobile. Work smart.

Low cost, High return

This is open source software!* There are no upfront costs. No annual subscription fees. No complex billing based on the number of processes, users or servers. Moreover developing, using and maintaining your first workflow is just like your 1001st. Applications run directly on your smart tablets with no modification: Develop once, run anywhere. Welcome to the world of total cost control.
* GNU GPL license.

Low code, High efficacy

Workflow Ascendant provides a next generation process automation paradigm, allowing power users, traditional Notes programmers and other IT professionals to rapidly bring workflow applications from concept to production. Our website’s presentation and training videos (with accompanying applications), developer’s guide and downloadable development environment will have you fully operational in no time. Welcome to the future of workflow development.